Family Development Credential (FDC)
The Family Development Credential (FDC) is a professional development course and credentialing program for Family Advocates to learn and practice skills of strength-based family support with families.
The FDC has 10 Core Competencies:
1. Family Development: A Sustainable Route to Healthy Self-Reliance
2. Communicating with Skill and Heart
3. Presence and Mindfulness: Cornerstones of Healthy Relationships
4. Taking Good Care of Yourself
5. One Diverse World
6. Strength-Based Assessment
7. Helping Families Set and Reach their Own Goals
8. Helping Families Access Specialized Services
9. Home Visiting
10. Collaborating and Community Support
A worker must do the following to earn the Family Development Credential:​
Complete 90 hours of interactive classroom instruction based on the Empowerment Skills for Family Workers curriculum
Prepare a Skills Portfolio with the support of a portfolio advisor
Pass a state credential exam
The National Family Development Credential has been approved by the Office of Head Start for fulfillment of requirements under Section 1302.91(e)(7) of the Head Start Performance Standards,
Staff Qualifications and Competency.