MHSA Partners

Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Head Start State Collaboration Office
MHSA works with the Maryland Head Start State Collaboration Office to accomplish five priorities:
1. Partner with State Childcare Systems emphasizing the Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership (EHS-CC) Initiatives.​
2. Work with the State efforts to collect data regarding early childhood programs and child outcomes.​
3. Support the expansion and access for high-quality, workforce, and career development opportunities for staff.​
4. Collaborate with State Quality Improvement System (QRIS).​
5. Work with State School Systems to ensure continuity between Head Start and Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA).

Maryland EXCELS
Based on nationally recognized quality standards and best practices, Maryland EXCELS equips providers with an understanding of how far they’ve come in providing quality care – and how they can continue to deliver quality care.
Maryland EXCELS promotes quality by awarding ratings to Child Care Centers, School-Age Child Care Programs, Family Child Care Homes and Public Prekindergarten programs. These ratings are available to families as a way to help them make informed choices in the care of their children.

Office of Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Network
MHSA works with the Office of Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Network to provide training & technical assistance and professional development for Head Start staff and parents throughout the State of Maryland. We participate in monthly calls with T&TA to discuss the needs of programs in Maryland, coordinate training efforts and develop a statewide training plan to address the needs of the state.

National Head Start Association
MHSA works with the National Head Start Association (NHSA) to advocate for Head Start on a federal level. Each year we partner with NHSA and Head Start Associations across the country to organize a parent rally in Washington DC, participate in visits to our congressman on Capitol Hill and work on issues that impact Head Start nationally.